Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Ah the single girl life with nary a care in the world. SC Homey has been trying to help me get my finances in order, more in line with what an independent gal of her thirties should be like, and all she does is shake her head at me. I have money saved but it's probably not doing much. I could also be saving more but I like buying things. And eating out.

For the first time in my life, I've been able to make enough to not live paycheck to paycheck, to actually splurge on things that make me happy without stressing about it for a month. In the last couple of years, I've gotten more massages, gone on more trips, bought more shoes, put more in a 401K, bestowed more gifts for loved ones, and eaten more expensive meals without choking on my drink when I see the bill. And I'm really enjoying it.

I take every married friend's advice to be selfish and enjoy buying things without having to worry about consulting someone else or using too much of the home improvement money. I visit with my friends who are new parents and relish in being able to stay up till two watching bad movies, sleep in till noon, and go on trips during the off season without dipping into my kid's future college fund.

According to SC Homey, the next step after I finally organize some of my finances is to start thinking of some goals. It could be big goals like owning a house. Or small goals like... um, I don't know. And then I realized, I HAVE NO GOALS. I don't want to be tied down by a mortgage and not be able to eat out or travel whenever I have the vacation days. I have no grand plans of starting my own charitable organization nor adopting third world orphans. I can't even think farther ahead than a month or two at a time. And that's only because work forces me to. Ah, the life of a single girl who refuses to be a grown-up...


Anonymous said...

Freedom is great, whether it's financial or otherwise.

me said...

i hear ya, sister! nothing good comes from growing up. i'm having none of it.