Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sick Like Clockwork

Alright, all the going out is perhaps catching up with me. Or maybe it's the stress of work, though I don't feel consciously stressed. However, my mind does take awhile to catch up with my body when it comes to incurring stress. It doesn't seem like a coincidence though, that around this time last year, with the departure of the other producer, I caught a cold.

It started with a sore throat on Tuesday, some head congestion yesterday, and finally not keeping down food today. I actually had planned on taking the day off to rest, maybe try out Guitar Hero 3, which I just bought for the Wii. What I did not expect was to actually get even more sick today and legitimately be out of commission, too tired to even eat, play my new game or even go out to find my brother a birthday gift for this weekend. The doctor even told me she'd fax me a doctor's note to stay home from work tomorrow! I feel like I'm a little kid in school again.

1 comment:

me said...

aw, feel better! hugs!