Thursday, May 17, 2007

The First Step Is the Hardest Step

1 day since I finally started running (walking) again at the track with Jigaho and Polar Opposite
1 week since I woke up to the sound of chainsaws in the yard (Landlord decided to have some trees cut down at the crack of dawn. Not a pleasant sound to wake up to)
1 week since my best friend reluctantly confessed that she's 6 months pregnant. Life as we know it will never be the same
1 month since my last post. The longest I've gone without writing. It's been so hard to start back up again
1 month since I've seen Wavy, before we took off for our respective trips
1 year since anyone has captured my eye or stirred any butterflies in my stomach
1 year since I started this blog as an outlet for my sadness and frustrations after dating debacle
1 year since I went to Chicago to visit my brother.
1 more day before another dear work friend packs up and leaves the company. I'm running out of coffee buddies
1 more day before I get to meet up with Wavy and Princess for dinner so we can catch up
1 more week before Boy Who Was the One disappears forever back to the east coast to marry his One, settle down and has a gazillion kids
1 more week till a lovely 3 day weekend. Our first work holiday of the year
1 more month till I go to Chicago again to see my brother graduate
1 more month before my brother comes home to LA for good (I hope)
1 more year before 3 dear friends will celebrate their first mother's day
1 more year before I hopefully can go on my next big trip again

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