Sunday, November 16, 2008

Things I've Found to Be True

Some are cliches, some are bits of advice from friends, and others are just so.

- Things can only get better once you hit rock bottom
- There is no such thing as loyalty from companies to their employees
- A bad job situation can destroy your self worth if you let it
- Relationships are f***ing hard work
- Boyfriends may come and go, but your friends will always be there for you
- No one can fix you except yourself


Ms. FlipFlops said...

I am always here for you! U gotta to know that. Been there since we were 6 and 4, sorry I am lifer!

me said...

i'm always here, too. hang in there, okay? we all love you & are rooting for you. there are evil people out there.

i know it's easier said than done, but don't let them get you down. they aren't entitled to that power like our moms are! ha ha, i'm kidding, but you know what i mean. our mom gave birth to us, those other idiots didn't do anything to earn that right!!!