It shrunk to the size of an 8 year old's tee just in time for me to stop wearing it anymore when it got banned on the list of bad things for little girls to wear to school. Parents were complaining it spread anti-boy messages and lowered their precious sons' self-esteem. I think I'll stop right there before I launch into a long-winded tirade.
Anyway, Mr. Goldman has tons more gems where that one came from. Here are a few of my favorites:

Hilarious to look at but I don't know if I'd like a giant painting of any of them hanging in my home. Maybe some postcard size ones. Maybe to hang in the bathroom. Seems fitting.
Oh I love the David and Goliath stuff? I have the magnet version of that shirt you had, but it's got coconuts instead of rocks. And I have a couple of the tank tops. They have a store in Vegas (where I took this picture) and I think in SF too.
The other awesome thing is, my ex is named Todd, and the stick figure actually does resemble him! Hilarious.
In other news, despite my perturbance w/ boys lately, I got a reply today from a surprisingly appealing guy on Personals. Go figure.
Misocrazy! Thanks for the tip. I will definitely have to hit the David and Goliath store next time I go to Vegas. That and the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. Can't wait to hear about your adventures in Y! Personals. :)
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