Or 300 depending on how you look at it. I watched this epitome of the guy movie Friday night with some friends and rather enjoyed it. You get what you pay for and it's pretty much what you'd expect from watching the trailers. Very stylized look with a lovely monochromatic sepia tone, visually stimulating film bathed in CG geeky goodness, oodles of buff half nekkid men running around in capes, knee high boots and underwear (I gave up asking why. I just accept it.) and tons of testosterone filled battles and blood. (UBBF, you'd probably hate this film but you'll probably be dragged to it anyway by your counterpart.)
Jigaho and I, a minority in the group of young cheering fanboys, had some good laughs. We actually laughed out loud during a couple of inopportune moments. She was one of the people who thought this movie was titled "Zoo" for the longest time; so when they brought out rhinos and elephants during one of the battles, she leaned over to me and whispered "here's where the 'zoo' portion of the movie starts!"
Anything good to see besides the naked men?
i did get dragged to see it. i fell asleep, but hey, i fall asleep at the dentist... it was kind of boring, i thought. after a while, i was like, "yes, yes. they can defeat anything... giant elephants, giant llama, you name it, they can defeat it..."
it dawned on my halfway through the movie & i actually turned to my counterpart & asked, "why don't they wear any clothes?" he said, "to show how fit they are." ha ha.
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