Sunday, October 14, 2007


Wavy recently remarked that she has never met anyone more resistant to change than me. And my old college roommate, once equated me to a lizard who would rather die, than lose its tail. All kinda true, though it may be more the anticipation of change than the actual change itself which gives me stomach aches.

On a recent visit to the dentist (I still like dentist visits more than work reviews), I asked if my two baby teeth would ever fall out. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but oh so appropriate isn't it? I still have two baby teeth. They won't fall out because there's no permanent tooth for it. So on some level, even my body is stubborn as all hell to change.

"Is this normal?" I asked my dentist, who's known me since I was ten.
"Well, it's not normal- normal. But it's not not-normal either." he replied.

So there you have it. Sums me up in a nutshell.

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