Of all the things to inspire me to write again, it was the spontaneous combustion of my Ipod Nano that prompted me to think "Now that is something worth sharing about!"

It was a Friday evening around 6pm about a week and a half ago. Charging the ipod at my work computer per usual, I heard a snap, a pop, a sizzle... kinda like Rice Crispies in milk. Except not as tasty. Nor fragrant. Then a large poof of smoke went up and that geyser of smelliness flew right toward me. Half the studio ran over to see what was going on.
Boy was I popular with the IT department that evening.
"Can we sue Apple?!" they gleefully asked.
"Can we blog about it on Digg?" another one asked.
I brought it over to the Apple store last week in a box. I showed them the button that flew off the middle of the ipod when the smoke came pouring out from it, as well as the charred cord. They were equally incredulous. And some of the younger Apple guys came over to gawk.
"Dude, were you listening to some death metal music or something?" they joked.
"No," I should have said. "Actually Yanni."
At first, I got the whole, "um well, it's technically not under warranty."
Are you kidding me?
"You can participate in the Ipod recycling program and donate this Ipod for recycling to get 10% off a new one!" one of the sprightly sales reps informed me.
I looked at her blankly. I don't want to buy a new ipod. I just want to replace this one. It blew up. Not like I dropped it or put it near fire. What if I had left it at home charging and it lit my whole place on fire? All my personal items... en fuego! Apple items are magical but I assume spontaneous combustion is not on the list of things that they should triumph over PC's.
Luckily one of members of the "Genius Bar" came over and assessed the situation.
"Yeah that's a safety issue. Let's replace this one for her. Stat!"
Well she didn't exactly say "stat!" but it seemed appropriate. Two days later, they got me a brand spanking new 1st generation Ipod Nano. I didn't even know they make them anymore.
I wonder if I should have made a bigger stink and got a new Ipod Nano. I wonder if this one will meet its fiery end in another three years. Only time will tell. I would however, still like an Iphone.
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