Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Babies and Bunnies

We’re just at that age now, but every time I suddenly hear “I have news!” or something along those lines, another friend has up and gotten themselves preggers. The latest victim, er blessed friend is someone I’ve known since we were twelve. TWELVE! That’s nearly prepubescent times!

I have a harder time containing the shock and strangeness when it’s friends from high school and pre-high school having kids. Maybe because we knew each other when we were kids ourselves. But I guess it’s bound to happen and I have yet to resort to rocking in a corner to comfort myself.

The other day, while at the auto mechanic with the bf, the particularly chatty owner decided to tell us his life story as an immigrant and ended up extolling the virtues of America and having his two daughters. Then he placed his hand on the bf’s arm and said “YOU should have two kids. It’s the best thing.” To which the bf responded with “She’s going to be the mother of my children!” while pointing at me. Odd response. And I didn’t even freak out and run!

That darned clichéd clock is probably ticking but I am in no way ready any time soon. If I’m lucky, I’ll be ready before my body closes up shop on that idea. For now, I’m leaning much more toward giant bunnies than a kid. I mean, how can you not love this?

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Song to Fit the Mood

This week, Wavy kindly pointed out Leona Lewis's follow up song "Better in Time." I couldn't get enough of her first single "Bleeding Love" especially as I was feeling the same kind of frustration with the bf. In this new song, it's like the "everything will be ok" response to her first song (though they did have different songwriters.)

It's like Madonna's "You'll See" sequel to her other song "Take A Bow." I love narratives in song.

Anyway, this song has been on repeat at work and though the melody feels upbeat, and the message is pretty strong and positive, the song actually makes me quite sad. Probably because I'm hoping that life won't imitate art.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Woman Needs A Man... Like A Fish Needs a Bicycle...

Well I guess I don't really need a man, but I do like him around. And I'm no fish, but I thought it was high time to tackle learning how to ride a bicycle.

It only took me two years to hit this resolution , but yesterday, ride I did. After the bf patiently taught (forced) me to unhook the front tire and load the bike into my car, he watched me ride over and over in circles at the Santa Monica DMV. While moms were warily practicing with their kids, and husbands were teaching their wives to drive, I donned a crash helmet and staked my claim of the empty parking lot, as he nervously yelled for me to stay away from the cars and stop veering too far away from our little section.

Throughout most of my life, this is how I felt about bicycles:What I've discovered is that it's easier and harder than I thought. Easy to just jump on the bike and ride around in circles on a nice smooth flat surface. Hard when there's any kind of incline, precision steering, or obstacles (trees, poles, people, cars, etc) in the way. As soon as I tried to steer around a rocky incline in the front of the DMV, I fell over and steered into a small palm tree. Ah well, practice practice practice...