Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Well, the first month of the year hasn't even ended and I'm already stir crazy and trying to get out of town. Is that bad?

My hippo-loving Africa traveling buddy, sent me this. Though it wasn't on my list of places to go and I swore that the next trip would be something more luxurious with no roughing it or strenuous activities involved, I am quite tempted.

So I got South Africa off my list, which was #1. Now where to this year...

1) Costa Rica - purely because I have a friend to go with and it's somewhere new
2) Japan - because I may get to attend a wedding as someone's date
3) Croatia and Greece - If Bizarro Twin can coordinate the right times with me...
4) Spain and Portugal - Can always go there alone if all else fails
5) China - it's cheap and if someone goes with me, why not?
6) Toronto, Canada - possibly family reunion and cousin's wedding reception. wheeeee!

As for travel within the US, I definitely will hit up:
1) San Francisco - because I skipped it all of 2007 and I need to go there at least once a year
2) New York - same reason as above
3) Seattle - because there's more to see and now I have people to stay with
4) Portland - because I've never been and there's people to stay with
5) Austin - same reason as #4
6) Vancouver - technically not in US, but only 2 hour drive from Seattle. Plus I can stay with cousins
7) San Diego - doesn't require flying, cousin lives there, and I have a wedding to attend

Anyway, at this point I would gladly even hit up Tijuana just to get away. We'll see how fast I can bolt!

1 comment:

me said...

god, i'd settle for tj right now, too. you can stay with us in new york. i'll push all my hats & boxes of fabric closer to the wall if you don't mind them too much (only half kidding...).

you could always see btr in spain...