Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Vacuum Cleaner Ate My Sofa

Apparently, vacuum cleaners don't belong on sofas. And apparently, sofas are one of the most highly flammable things in your living room. Sigh... If I had only known. Chalk it up to one more thing that people don't tell you about in day to day conversations and one more thing that should be common sense.

Luckily, no one was hurt, nothing burst into flames and only poor Oscar the Couch suffered some cosmetic damages when I dragged the vacuum up on the seat. I was using the attachments to vacuum up as much cat hair as possible along the top of the couch and windowsill. (So that my poor allergic college roomie visiting from out of town wouldn't asphyxiate) Unfortunately the hose wasn't long enough so I had to pull the entire vacuum up. I didn't think the bottom part still had suction since I was using the attachment, but boy was I wrong!


me said...

sorry, dude...

Ms. FlipFlops said...

I got a pet vacuum cleaner. It has a removable attachment that vacuums sofas, car seats, etc. It is sweet!!