Monday, January 01, 2007

And Now, Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Happy New Year!

For the past few days, I've committed the written equivalent of vomiting more than enough personal angst and sappy drama for a year. I've gotten it out of my system for all the world to read so that I can finally forge ahead for 2007. Or at least that's the plan anyway.

Until last year, I was never one for new year's resolutions. I preferred to make them in June, March, or whenever the fancy struck. It's such a boring grown-up thing to do. Plus I'll just break them anyway. Well, now I'm rebelling against my own rebellion and throwing them out there anyway.

Old resolutions to continue:
1) read a book a month
2) write consistently
3) exercise consistently
4) keep work and personal life as separate as possible (ha!)
5) write more letters and emails back to friends
6) plan my next big trip out of the country
7) pick up drawing again

New resolutions to try:
1) curb that monster appetite of mine to normal portions
2) be nicer and more patient with the parents, especially mom
3) get a better handle on my finances
4) clear off all that junk on my kitchen table and put it all away once and for all
5) update my resume and MAYBE send it out somewhere just for the hell of it
6) volunteer or mentor a student at my college alma mater

Alright, 13 is a nice odd number to end it on.

I'm not looking forward to leaving SF and going back to work tomorrow. Here, I've managed to write every night, watch a movie every night, eat well, bake cakes, play entertaining games, and nap in the car every time my friend and her husband drive me to and from the city. Strangely enough, I still haven't slept well, though it could be that all the tea and naps throughout the day may have exacerbated and jolted the swirls of thoughts in my brain into overdrive.

It's 2 hours into 2007 and all I see is a gigantic blank canvas for the marking. Let's just say I'm cautiously optimistic.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

I've enjoyed reading all of the entries you've jammed into the last few days. It seems you become just as reflective as me; maybe moreso.

And good luck with your resolutions. They do seem to be reasonable.

me said...

happy new year, dear friend! i see great things happening for you this year. something about the "7" in 2007 makes me hopeful. hang in there. miss you lots & all the time.