Saturday, August 04, 2007

The 5 Minute Crush

After spending a whole day with him, I was slightly smitten. He was nice, normal, socially functional... after all this time, I hardly know what to do with a guy, much less a nice normal one. So it was just refreshing to have met him in the first place.

He was a classmate/friend of a friend, so I at least knew he wasn't a serial killer. At a series of parties, we ran into each other. There were sporadic emails. And finally, since I was in his neighborhood last weekend, we met for lunch and I invited him along to a friend's housewarming party.

Throughout the whole day, we chatted. We talked about our families, our jobs, long distance relationships, music, games... Did I mention that he's the only Frenchman I've met that doesn't tolerate smoking, pays for lunch, has wine handy for housewarming gifts, and also plays the piano and played some songs for me? He also managed to make conversation with tons of strangers and enjoy himself at the party. Something I'm not so sure I could do with ease. I was thoroughly impressed.

The first two days afterwards, you kind of hold your breath and wonder, "will he write, will he call?" And then with each passing day, as you see the lack of email from the email address you want, it starts waning. The old me would have conjured up excuses. "He's probably busy with work. Maybe I should write? Maybe it's my turn again?" Maybe he's shy? Maybe he's in the hospital with some horrible illness!" Now, it's more like "OK. Well then I guess we're done here." No use pining. If he was interested enough, he'd make the effort. And really that's all there is to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see what you mean about the hesitation. I guess we were thinking something similar. And I completely agree with that last part.