Friday, September 07, 2007

Mi Casa Es Su Casa

I love my eating out, traveling the world, buy what makes me happy (within reason) lifestyle too much to buy a home. My parents however have hounded me with home ownership as diligently as they've hounded me with business school. So far, I've succumbed to neither plea.

Today, I met my friend M. Night (we call him that because he is seriously M. Night Shymalan's doppelganger, much to his chagrin) for lunch at a cute little bistro type restaurant, Piknic, in Playa Vista. It's a new city that sprouted up in the Westside, touted as the first new community development in LA in over fifty years. There was definitely some careful planning and thought that went into this little village and I was kinda won over by the layout, the mix of residential and commercial space, and the sense of community (even if it was calculated more so than natural).

My dream home if I really had my way includes a porch with rocking chairs, a swimming pool, game room, sound proof room for my piano and a drum set, central AC, and walk in closets. Never mind all the other basics. BUT, all of a sudden, I thought "I would live here." It's brand new, close to the ocean, the temperature is divine, everything I need is within walking distance, freeways are still close enough, AND work is still only ten to fifteen minutes away. If I had to fork over something like four hundred thousand dollars for a one bedroom apartment, this would be the type of place I'd like. M. Night even mentioned that they had a pretty good program for first time buyers. Also, check out all this foolproof technological upgrades they include in every home. Drool...

The catch? There always is... Um, it's built on some crazy hotbed of methane gas AND ancient Indian burial grounds. I'm normally not THE most paranoid superstitious person there is, but that is asking for some seriously bad juju right there. I am NOT down with angry evil spirits, gas explosions, or pissed off environmentalists. Nor should consulting a shaman for the blessing of my home be on the required checklist of "Things a Homeowner Needs to do Before Buying the Place." Guess I'll be a renter for awhile longer.

1 comment:

me said...

based on my calculations, i will NEVER ever be able to scrimp up for a down payment for even a studio in manhattan. depressing...