That's what Jed the Fish from KROQ calls them. And I kinda like it. On the one day I escaped work early last week, it was for the Foo Fighters Acoustic Concert, which was sold out all three nights. I saw their rock tour with Weezer back in October but was excited to see the acoustic version this year.
Dave Grohl, who's voice is even better live, told stories from his Nirvana days in Seattle, made the audience sing happy birthday to his mother who was in the audience (and was the one who told him to take the chance and move to Seattle to join Nirvana), and managed to make the Pantages theater as intimate as chatting with friends in a small restaurant.
Our seats were in the 2nd to the last row, and I sat next to a crazy person, but all that could not dampen the excellence of the two and half hour show. Speaking of crazy, the woman next to me, who could not refrain from jumping up for nearly every song, bellowing out her request "AURORA!!!!" into my ear, holding her head in her hands as if her head would roll off on its own, and generally looking like she was going to explode out of her skin, was scary. The first person I've ever seen up close on speed. I kept turning to Vaj and whispering "Trade seats with me!!!!" and he would shake his head no every time.
My brother on the other hand, blessed as he always is by all that is good and fortunate in the world, looked up Craig's list last Monday, found extra tickets through the beast that is Ticketmaster, paid face value for his tickets and managed to get front row mezzanine seats. He sat next to nice normal people.
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