Sunday, September 10, 2006

Navel Gazing

Lately, I feel like the wizard Dumbledore from Harry Potter, so full of those silvery strands of thoughts that need to be pulled out and tucked away elsewhere before my brain explodes. Unfortunately, I've still been working 10am -10pm most days and too exhausted to string together any coherent thoughts by the time I drag my tired carcass home for the night. I try to leave early at least one night a week and do something fun like meet a friend for dinner - my treat to look forward to each week.

One of the things I'm looking forward to watching next week is the movie The Last Kiss with Zach Braff of Scrubs and Garden State fame. It deals with the whole turning 30 phenomenon. At first I was resistant to the blatantly trendy theme of quarter life crises; it so shamelessly targets my "is this it?" demographic, hitting home with equally yearning melodies on its soundtrack.

"I feel like I'm supposed to like it since we're the target demographic," I explained to Wavy, "which makes me a little resistant to it and wondering if I'll just be disappointed with the movie."
"Yeah, it looks like a lot of navel-gazing going on in there," she replied.
"Navel gazing?"
She sent me the link and I yet again learned something new for the day. I'm looking forward to indulging in 2 good hours of navel gazing next week. I can angst some more and write about it here!


Anonymous said...

Navel gazing is a good pastime to indulge in now and then. And it's a nice phrase that makes something passive seem more active.

Enjoy your navel gazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about seeing this movie, too, but it seems like it might be a bad idea (because of the dredging up of emotions, etc.).

P.S. -- Sorry to be spamming your comments.

Whatchamacalit said...

Not at all, always good to hear from you Loofa!

me said...

yeah, i know what you mean. sometimes, these things feel like pre-fabricated coolness (like those pre-fab homes that guy sold in "broken flowers").

or like, "here, you're 30! you'll like this!"