Thursday, September 28, 2006

Scottish Rockers

Citing the reason that his "throat fell out", the lead singer of Snow Patrol, explained why the concert had been postponed from June until now. Back in June, when life felt so different from now, I was going to go to the concert with a certain redheaded Irish boy whom I had a latent crush on for years.

Now in September, said redheaded Irish boy was visiting the motherland of Ireland. Luckily good ole Bizarro twin stepped in to save the day. She introduced me to the wonders of Silver Lake as I fumbled my way through the hilly and confusing hipster town, trying to find one of her favorite Vietnamese joints Pho Cafe. I swear this place was as fast as a McDonald's drive-thru but with better food.

After another great pep talk and quick catch up with our lives, we made it into the Wiltern at the tail end of the 2nd opening band Augustana and found a spot standing smack in the middle of the place. To my surprise, instead of the usual short and slight, trendy Indie music crowd, the crowd was littered with tall white folks. I mean, it looked like a frat and their Amazonian blond women. Not that I have anything against tall white folk, but I've never had so much trouble seeing over the crowd to catch a glimpse of the band. I guess this means the band has really made it.

It was sold out, no crazy people around me (though the couple blocking my view should have got a room), no pot smokers, and no rabid fans with the urge to bellow out inane song requests or I love yous every five minutes. To top it off, Snow Patrol actually sounded really clean and strong live. At the end, the lead singer got into the moment and started taking off his sweat drenched shirt. And nothing beats the sight of a cute scrawny Scottish rocker prancing around shirtless and singing his little heart out.

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