Sunday, December 10, 2006

Like Sands Through the Hourglass...

In college, my roommates and I had too much time on our hands. One roommate was a big fan of the soap opera General Hospital while another one got hooked on Days of Our Lives with me when we met the cast for a question and answer session at school. Being the nerds that we are, we took it upon ourselves to chart out all the past and present relationships between the characters to keep them straight.

So when I recently found myself in an odd little scenario straight out of the soaps, my first instinct was to chart it out.

For one night, all in the same room for the same event and no one got hurt, no tears were shed, and smiles all around. Sometimes art does imitate life more than life imitates art.


Anonymous said...

What a mess!

Which letter are you?

Whatchamacalit said...

Isn't it obvious which letter I am? If not, that's for everyone else to figure out. Maybe I'm none of the above. :P