Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Feed a Cold or Starve a Fever?

After nearly two months of 60+ hour weeks at work, my body has had enough and broken down. I'm congested, kinda achy, and want to sleep all the time. The nice thing is it's my get out of jail free card. No one bats an eye when I leave before 7 these days. The bad thing is breathing and coughing are kind of an issue.

I made plans this week long ago when I didn't realize the craziness would still be going on. Despite the slight cold, I joined some girl friends for Dine Out week at Windows in downtown. The view was amazing.

Sly kept joking that Citysearch had rated this place as "very romantic" and periodically brought that up during dinner. Though it was a quiet Tuesday night, it felt like a special occasion to be out on the town eating a delicious meal and enjoying good conversation with friends.

Apparently I was feeding a cold, because even though I was with girls who could eat (no picking at salads type girl friends for me!), I polished off my 3 course meal - from calamari to steak to a brownie sundae ala mode, the size of 3 CD covers - shocking even myself. It was not pretty. But sooooooo worth it.

1 comment:

Mom and Pop Art said...

colds should always be stuffed ala mode. hope you're feeling better!