Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Game Mania

On my way home from dinner and trying to air myself out from smelling like Korean BBQ beef (certainly not a horrible thing by any means), I heard lots of loud chatter as I drove by the Best Buy. There is a long line of people around the block from the store, people with tents and sleeping bags huddled alongside the building, looking miserably cold and missing their beds. All for what, you wonder? Apparently, the Sony Playstation 3 comes out on Friday.

IT IS WEDNESDAY EVENING. Do these people not work? Not have school to attend? Lives to live? I like video games as much as your next nerdy girl, but spending $500-$600 on this and having to camp out for days to get it? That console better be able to make French toast and vacuum my floors too.

1 comment:

me said...

i would pay for a french toast-making/floor-vacuuming console!