Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Power of Music

I heard this old Madonna song on the radio the other day and it's been stuck in my head since.

(It's not the best recording but the only one I could find.)

It's from the show Felicity, a show that chronicled a girl's angsty travails through college just as I and all my friends graduated. It was like reliving college all over again and a bunch of us followed the show religiously.

It's a beautiful song that reminds me of how much you can grow by letting go and moving on with your life. Surprisingly, it hasn't made me sad all week as many songs are apt to do. A new friend recently told me she can't handle listening to much music anymore because it affects her too much. Even if she was in a good mood, a sad song can bring her down so badly, she'll be depressed for the rest of the day.

This is exactly why I love music so much. It can influence your mood or you can choose it to suit your mood. The Ipod has enabled everyone to walk around with their personal soundtracks and I am definitely one of those people. I can also attribute a song or two (or ten) to every friend I have and most people I know. Tons of songs can bring me back to an exact place, a time period in my life, or a feeling I had. This week, I'm in a optimistic mood, sad music be damned.

1 comment:

me said...

i still can't listen to "say something" by james without feeling really blue & i'm realizing oasis kind of gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach for the same reason... =(