Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Second Long Run

I love this running group. Last week, we were supposed to run 9 miles. We ran 8. This week we were supposed to run 12 miles. We said "screw it" and ran 8 miles again, although incorporating a very steep hill and finishing 15 minutes faster than last week. I call it success!

I don't ache as much as I did last week, nor are my fingers tingly. I also refused to nap so that I can hopefully sleep even more like a baby than usual.

Instead of running out in the streets, we stayed inside Griffith Park this time, where they were already stringing up holiday decorations and lights for the Light Festival. As much as I love this park, this is the most I've ever explored it, especially on foot.

I'm still not fully confident we can finish 13.1 miles within 3 hours yet. But it's been nice to chat with new friends and have something that is my own and completely separate from work and work people. A few others in the group actually hate running like me and had various reasons for starting up. One girl told me she doesn't hate running anymore but doesn't quite LIKE it yet. I think that will be my new goal. Learning to not hate running.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're already on your way to not hating it. After all, you called the run a success!

Eight miles is a long run! I'm confident that you'll finish within the time limit, though.

me said...

when you are running your half-marathon & think you can't go on, think of all the strength you've given me over the years. you are a strong woman! you can do it! i love you!