Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mornings = Bad

As daunting as 13.1 miles of running is, I'm actually more concerned with getting up at the crack of dawn to do it. I had to wake up around 6:45 am this week for a Dr's appointment and when I awoke to my alarm beeping in the cold darkness and convinced myself out of bed, I wanted to throw up and die.

I'm not exaggerating. Every time I have to get up before the sun's out, I want to throw up and die. I haven't had to do it much because I tend to avoid early morning activities. I resent people and things, at least for the first hour or so, when they make me get up early. All the friends know not to even bother trying to call me before 10 on the weekends (that's already better in recent years. It used to be noon) And having a coherent conversation with me? Forget it. It's going to be interesting come December 3rd for the half marathon...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but this made me laugh. If you had repeated it once more that waking up early makes you want to "throw up and die", I might not have been able to stop myself from laughing all day. :-)

Maybe you should run in the evening. I find it's easier at times.

Whatchamacalit said...

:) Glad it made you laugh. Was trying to accurately describe just how awful it is in the mornings. Physically nauseating. I do often run in the evenings too but the day of the actual run will start by 7. Yikes!

me said...

ooo, i can call you after 10:00 a.m. on the weekends now!? =)

i miss you! good luck on the half-marathon. you got daylight savings on your side this weekend!