Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Like Dooce, I was always the type of person that always did well in school but procrastinated until the last minute to get everything done. Ten page papers, school tests, class projects...and almost all the time I'd pass with flying colors and get that A. Maybe I do well or even better under pressure, but the toll my body, especially my weak stomach, took from the stress more than made up for it.

Sometimes I feel like my dumb luck ran out or maybe it's karma biting me in the ass. It's the only way I can explain working in a place FILLED with people who like to work till the last minute, yet stun all our clients in the final hour when we do make our deliverables and surpass their artistic expectations. In turn, stressing me out even more since I now have to manage these people. It's like my own personal purgatory, but without all the fire and brimstone.

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