Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Running to Stand Still

After over a two month break from running, I went back again last night. Partly because work is letting up a little (or I'm just too burnt out to care about sticking around) and partly because the bad feelings were coming back. And today I am sooooooo tired and sore.

Coincidentally enough, Clancy just convinced me to try this half marathon. Boy I hate running and I hate early mornings even more. We have about 5 weeks and I've never run more than 3 miles in a row. Never in my wildest dreams would I think to try a marathon, but this half marathon... I don't know. The satisfaction of finishing something like that might just be worth it. It's something I didn't think I could ever physically do or want to do.

But then I'm feeling a little rebellious against myself lately.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy running, and I still am not sure I'd ever want to do a marathon. I'm toying with the idea, though.

This half marathon looks nice and scenic. It could be a fun challenge!

me said...

i've always wanted to run a marathon. it was on my "before 30" list, but my knees kind of worried me too much. they hurt when it's cold now. be careful, but i encourage you to do anything that might make you feel like, "yeah! i did it!" it might do you some good to do something for yourself--rather than work or friends or family, you know?