Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pavlovian Effect

Yet another post about music. I loved the movie Flushed Away so much that I actually paid to see it twice. One of the songs they have in there, always brings me back to such a happy time in my life.

A few years ago, I joined Contiki tours with two good friends to see Eastern Europe. One of the gimmicks that each tour conducts is to choose a theme song for the group. Once it's chosen, they will blast that song EVERY morning on the bus to kick off the day, whether we want it or not. "Bohemian Like You" was our song. Appropriate since we were kind of touring Bohemia.

When I hear it, I think back to a time when I was happily unemployed for two months, reading books from the library everyday, meeting up with friends, about to start a new job (the one that I have now), and embarking on a new adventure in life, brimming with so much hope, that it was bursting at the seams. My other two friends were at similar places in life and we still look back to that time as one of the best memories we have. Amazing how much one song can conjure up.


Marcus Ronaldi said...

How was the Contiki trip to Eastern Europe?

Whatchamacalit said...

It was one of the best trips I've taken! The eastern Europe tour usually has a slightly older and more cultured group, as opposed to the Western Europe tours that are filled with more college age kids. The tour gives you more than enough time to wander each city alone but gives you plenty of options. They were also very cool about sending our stuff back to us in the States after recovering the bus In Poland when it got jacked during dinner on one of our last nights. Long story...