Monday, June 18, 2007

If I Only Had Wings...

I hate flying. I hate the act of traveling. It tires me out either from the glut of people or the lack of oxygen on the plane. Then there's the layovers and the delays, like the 7 hours my family and I spent at the Chicago Midway airport just last weekend because of bad weather on the east coast. Yet, I'm always restless to hop on the next flight for another trip. I like going to new places and being temporarily away from my normal routine.

Unfortunately, short of sprouting wings, there's no other quick way to get to all the places I want to go. I wish I could apparate into a new place, ala Harry Potter but it sounds difficult. Then there's floo powder for beginning wizards but you need a fireplace. Finally, I could hope for beaming technology like Star Trek. But I'm a little frightened of what could go wrong. What if I'm reassembled with my arm on top of my head or worse, inside out as in Galaxy Quest? Not pretty...

Until something quicker and better comes along, I do have two free flights to go anywhere I want in the continental US, courtesy of all the frequent flier miles I've accumulated. Hoorah! The choices are endless... another trip to San Francisco to see the pregnant best friend before she explodes? New York city again for a birthday indulgence? Seattle to visit Princess while she's up there on a project for the summer? Or maybe Austin to see my old boss, purely because I've never been to Texas and it would check off another state in my quest to see all 50 states one day. Or if I was feeling especially masochistic I could fly to Vermont for the Boy's wedding since I did receive that dreaded invitation. Ha! I'd rather chance beaming technology and be turned inside out.


lag1 said...

i vote sf. :)

Anonymous said...

I vote for Seattle! But I hear Austin is a cool town, too.