Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sometimes, I'm Just Asking for It...

I chalk it up to eternal optimism. Once I see something good in a person, it's hard to let that go, despite repeated incidences of asshole-ism.

Today was Mr. DD's birthday. I remember from last year, because well, I inadvertently ended up including him in as one of the birthday guests of honors in one of our mutual friends' birthday party. I doubted anyone would know it was his birthday today, but I thought that if it were me, I'd be a teensy bit sad if no one acknowledged my birthday, even if I hadn't told anybody.

I still find it easier to be nice to him than to be mean. Since a couple of coworkers and I have had a running joke of me tying girly ribbons around all their ugly figurines from comic books and videogames, I decided to tie a gigantic ribbon around Mr. DD's monitor and a taped a monkey sticker, saying happy birthday on his second monitor.

Would you like to guess how he reacted? Nada. No reaction. No acknowledgment. In fact, he didn't say one word or even glance my way today. Pretty big feat considering we're working together. This is where Wavy or UBBF or actually anyone in the whole wide world can say "told you so." Not that I expected anything, but "wow," I thought, "this guy must really hate me, no not hate, but not care for me one tiny bit, that he can just be like 'whatever.' OR he was seriously raised in a barn because the guy has no manners."

It boggles my mind. At the same time, it's good because it'll toughen me up and help me along in seeing just what an inconsiderate clod this guy has turned out to be. It saddens me that I'm disappointed in him not only as a friend I once admired, but as a human being.
"Waste of perfectly good ribbon," UBBF remarked. But she also brought a up a good point. You can't let the mean, ungenerous, inconsiderate people bring you down to their level or change your personality. You can keep hoping that the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would one day rub off on some, but you can't expect it.


Anonymous said...

Normally, I'd say he might not have wanted his birthday to be outed but in this case I say:

Forget about the bastard.

me said...

i think the best reward is that you get to be you (a generous loving person with a good heart) & he has to be stuck being him (an idiot who no one cares to remember his birthday, except for one kindly generous loving person with a good heart).

i think you win. let the poo poo head be miserable. ingrate...

Whatchamacalit said...

UBBF, I love you because you're always on my side and you say the best things, silly and/or encouraging. :)

Loofa, Wow, strong words from you. But thanks for the sentiment!