Saturday, June 24, 2006


Today was all about the manual labor and I am exhausted. Started off the morning helping Wavy move to a new place. Though I can hardly say I did much heavy lifting (left that to her overeager bschool boys), we managed to pack up, move her into a new place, and unpack enough so that her subletter (my brother) wouldn't have to live amongst a box fort. Then off she went to the valley for corporate housing and her summer internship.

At home, I had my own heavy duty cleaning to do. I accidentally volunteered my place for a surprise birthday party tomorrow so grimy patio furniture needed to be cleaned, cat hair removed from the furniture, and inappropriate clutter hidden. This is why hosting stresses me out. Nothing seems clean enough. There's not enough chairs. The table seems to have rotted. I have nothing to hold cold drinks and ice. And music? I haven't even thought about that yet.

Luckily, I'm not the only host. I don't have to worry about the food. I don't care how many people show up or whether they RSVP'ed - It's not my party. I'm not even too stressed if everyone's gonna enjoy themselves. I know they will this time. Well... maybe except Mr. Dating Debacle...

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