It's the same dance we do over and over. I'll trim my hair ever so slightly and my mom will say "You cut your hair? It's still so long. Why don't you cut more?" For some reason, unlike most moms, she dislikes long hair, even on girls, and especially on me. For the first 13 years of my life, I had the same shoulder length bob. Until one day I refused.
This past weekend, when she said the same thing to me again, for the 200th time, I stopped unloading my car, looked her in the eye, and said loudly MOM, I WILL NEVER HAVE SHORT HAIR. I'M NEVER GOING TO CUT IT SHORT. IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD ON ME. AND I DON'T LIKE IT. GET USED TO IT.
Luckily, she chuckled at me instead of breathing fire and incinerating my very being right there on the spot for being so insolent. What a long way we've come.
i had a boy cut in sixth grade after a teenage daughter of family friends convinced me it was de rigeur. of course, she failed to tell me that it wouldn't automatically look like it did in the picture when i wake up & that on a round-faced tween, it wouldn't look so alluring. you know the rest of my hair history =).
you look fine with short hair, but it's a waste not to grow your beautify hair into a long, flowing mane!
rebel! oh hey, after 11 years of short-ish hair, i'm growing mine out! if i'm lucky, in a YEAR it'll be Whatchamacalit length.
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