Sunday, June 04, 2006

Feeling Old But Still Kicking

It's been an eventful weekend, in which I'll continue to write about later. Because I've foolishly passed on my concert friend's offers in the past to see bands such as Coldplay and Keane at tiny venues when they first started, I decided to take a chance and see the Arctic Monkeys (who look all of 12 years old like the bulk of their fans) and We Are Scientists concert tonight. It taught me one thing.
I am old. Not only was I extra cranky when people tossed their cups full of liquid in the air or shoved into me with their sweaty bodies, I actually wanted to kick people and walk out. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep or maybe the music was much too hip for me, but dance as I might, I couldn't completely get into it. At least I bought earplugs for the first time so that my ears wouldn't bleed like usual - hopefully I'll still have all of my hearing when I'm 50.
My friends lined up in eager anticipation at 6:30. The concert started at 9. I haven't lined up for a concert since the college days of Britpop but luckily we did; we were the last three people to get wristbands and make it into the pit. It was all fine and dandy and spacious until the Arctic Monkeys' lead singer (he needs a haircut) invited the less fortunate wristband-less audience to jump over the rails into the pit. I guess I can't have it both ways - being up close to the band and not being stepped on and maintaining personal space. Ah well...
The best part of the night, besides a Courtney Love celebrity sighting (she's looking good!) involved a conversation with a Ridiculously Young Boy standing in line with us. As I recounted to my friends those good old Britpop-concert -going college days of waiting in line for hours at Blur, Pulp, and Charlatans UK, the RYB interrupted the conversation with something like this:

RYB: Excuse me, did I just hear you say that you saw Pulp live in concert?
Me: Yeah I did.
RYB: WOW! I'm so jealous! I'll never get to see them. *(The band broke up a while ago). The last time they were here was like 1995! Was it the one at the Palace?
Me: Yeah, that's when I went, back in college. I'm old.
RYB: Aww man, I wanted to go so bad but my parents wouldn't let me! I was six!
Me: Wow, I feel old. Thanks. I'm gonna throw my water bottle at you.


Anonymous said...

i hear ya. i'm too old to be a ballerina anymore at concerts. i'm not getting any taller, so now i prefer either tiny venues or big ass venues where i can sit.
p.s. he was SIX? good god!

Anonymous said...

six?! ack! i went with you to that concert!

ha ha, you aren't old because you are cranky. you are old because you think the guy needed a haircut! ha ha, you are too cute. miss you!