I had this poster up in my room throughout college. :)
Flash back 18 years ago. I joined the masses of fellow teenybopper girls and bought my first two celebrity posters to put up in my room. (Except I was a little embarrassed and actually put one up behind the bedroom door, and the other one on the wall behind the bedroom door.) Keanu Reeves and Christian Slater.
Christian Slater has since gone INSANE and become quite sleazy looking. Sometimes I hold out hope for him that he's just one comeback film away to prove that he's still the next Jack Nicholson, instead of a poor man's imitation.
Keanu, however, has steadily held my loyalty and faith. From Midsummer Night's Dream and Point Break, to Johnny Mnemonic and Matrix, my love for this beautiful man has never wavered. Lately, he's in public a lot more because of his latest film The Lake House. I finally got around to watching it tonight and YES, it was every bit the romantic, wondrous movie I thought it would be. Total chick flick, great mellow music, a bit of a tearjerker, and sometimes humorous.
I may not try to argue everyone down when they criticize his acting skills (I think he's earnest!) but I will never criticize him. He's managed to stay aloof, yet extremely grounded and normal despite his fame. There has never been a bit of bad press on him (I should know, I've followed stories on him since I was 12.) And after I read this recent article, I knew... he's still the only 41 year old man I'D marry.
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