Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New Peeps and Old Peeps

Last week, I managed to meet new people and hang out with some old peeps from the Bruin family. On Friday, I stepped out of my insular world and met my old friend Sketchy and his new coworkers for lunch. Usually, I don't like new people and would pass on the invite unless it was just me and Sketchy catching up on our lives. But I figured, hey why not, maybe he has some charming new coworkers and I'll make some job contacts to boot.

Well, let's just say computer geeks at one workplace are not so much different from computer geeks at another place. They don't talk much, or if they do, it's about their trade. Ah so, at least I tried.

Thursday night, I had the pleasure of hosting 4 of my girlfriends from college at my cozy little place. We ordered Thai food and ate out back in the patio by candlelight (almost like a dinner party for real grownups). Then we huddled in my oh so small living room to watch Dave Chappelle's Block Party (which I highly recommend!).

The beauty of it all - there were no cell phone interruptions, no one talked through the movie, no one had to get up and check in with anybody, and everybody hung out and watched the whole thing including all the extras. I was sublimely happy. THIS is what I need more of in my life. Cool low maintenance girl friends to chill with. Most days, I yearn for that more than some cute guy to date.

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