Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I'm too tired to blog much lately. Working an average of 10am - 10pm. No point in me going in any earlier because I'll still end up staying that late. For the most part, working with artists is great. I love the creative energy, the dresscode (there is none), the silliness, the toys, the immaturity...

But sometimes, trying to manage them is a whole other story. I like to think of my job as babysitting most of the time. Professional nag, den mother, big sister, token girl, person to vent and complain to, shoulder to cry on, and most of all timekeeper extraordinaire. Some days, I have to pretty much pry the work out of their hands to deliver to clients on time. Otherwise they'll continue to perfect it until no ordinary human eye can detect the differences between version 278 and version 277.

I was venting to Wavy today in regards to how the past two nights, we've pushed deliveries to the wire. Advanced Express delivery guy will be standing by waiting to get our tape and drive it over to the airport, so that it can get to NY by noon the next day. We (meaning me) are usually running around trying to collect all the deliverables that the artists just finished thirty seconds before the delivery guy arrives. Even though I tell them I need everything an hour before.

Wavy said something like "yeah, computer artists (the ones I work with) must be the worst. They have no sense of structure and schedule like an artist yet they have the anal-retentivness and perfectionism of a computer nerd." That pretty much sums up my people.

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