Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Cautionary Comedy

Work had another Friday night party - this time to celebrate all the new blood who had joined the company in the past month - so per usual I bolted as quickly as I could. Instead, I cheaped out and ate in, shared some of my junk food with Sly, and caught the movie Knocked Up with Sly, Polar Opposite, and his friend.

Shock value is what comes to mind when R-rated comedies are involved. This one (by the same folks who brought you Forty Year Old Virgin) was no different. Let's just say if you're on the fence about having kids, this one might just hurl you over to the other side. (In case you're wondering, that would be the side that disappoints your parents by not propagating the human species.) I think it's also a grand example for pushing oral contraceptives on young women. Seriously.

There were tons of hilarious moments in the movie and it was a perfect Friday night, end of the work week, no brainer type movie. My only beef is that much like Forty Year Old Virgin, the movie is definitely a man's point of view. The female characters are fleshed out slightly better than Virgin, but there are still some oddities we noticed, like why does the female protagonist have no friends of her own?!

Anyway, when we stepped out of the theater, Polar Opposite asked us girls "So would you guys have kept the baby?" And he was met with a resounding and simultaneous "HELL NO!"

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