Saturday, December 20, 2008
Crybaby and Doctors
In this year I've cried more than I ever had in my entire life. Maybe infant stages excluded because I don't remember that and I'm sure it was entirely warranted as a means of communication for basic survival needs. I never used to cry at anything. Steel Magnolias? Nada. Joy Luck Club. Meh. Unless I was in pain or being yelled at by my parents, I rarely cried.
Now, I'm a crybaby. Like those kids that cried at everything. You look at them cross-eyed and they cried. That's me. And it's exhausting and frustrating. I need to fix this.
In other news, part of the exhaustion, aside from the evilness of certain work bosses, has to do with this past week's parade of doctor's visits.
Tuesday - travel to the vortex of hell (Cedar Sinai in West Hollywood) to accompany the bf to the neurologist. Where the doctor keeps us waiting for an hour and tells us that as a precaution, I need to drive the bf around for the foreseeable future until they straighten out his meds. We also need to come back to vortex of hell for his EEG. Sigh.
Wednesday - took the day off to squeeze in 5 appointments. Of course it's pouring rain all day and I need to haul myself out to Pasadena and surrounding areas.
9am - Drop off bf at work
11am - dentist
Squeeze in some lunch and xmas shopping.
1:30 - podiatrist consult for my foot orthotics
2:15 - they can squeeze me in at the orthotics place. Dart over there to get casts of my feet.
3:15 - dermatologist. Where she keeps me waiting for 45 minutes.
4:00 - CRAP. I need to go back to vortex of hell (Cedar Sinai in West Hollywood) to pick up bf's glasses since he absent- mindedly left them there the day before. Need to get there by 4:30-5 before they close.
4:20 - Run out of dermatologist's office with her makeshift map drawn on a giant wadded up piece of tissue paper they use on the beds. Shortcut turns out to be awesome.
5pm - Run into the offices at the vortex of hell just as the assistants are walking out and manage to get bf's glasses. Minus a few years off my life from the drive. I'm gonna glue them to his head. Of course parking charges me four bucks anyway.
6pm - Get groceries, get home, sit down for a bit before I have to pick up the bf from work.
This must be how stay at home moms feel like - running around picking people up, dropping them off, running errands, prepping for dinner... I'm wiped.
Thursday - Work is nuts. All of a sudden, 6pm, my little bro at work, grabs me while clutching his heart and says call an ambulance. I think something's wrong. He's only 25!!! I think it's a panic attack but to be safe, once his heart rate slows back down, work excuses me to take him to the ER. I rush him to Urgent Care, then the ER in Santa Monica (though there is a hospital across the street, gotta schlep over to SM since THAT'S where our HMO allows us to go. Sheesh.) Stay with the poor guy till 9:30 as they run tests and give him an IV drip. All in all, a good bonding experience as we end the night with some dinner after he's discharged as ok. And the fools at work keep thanking me and saying it's so nice of me to do that. Whatever. I would have done it anyway. Like I would ever choose work over friends.
Whoops, the bf is stranded. I'm calling and calling each hour since there's no reception in the ER, and he never picks up or calls back. Great. Now I have to worry and be frantic that the fool decided to walk the 5 miles home along Venice Bl at night. It's one of those things where he better be ok, otherwise I'm gonna strangle him. Finally call his seatmate buddy and the guy chuckles and tells me he gave the bf a ride home - he didn't call you? ARGH!
Anyway, it's 5 more days till Christmas and I have yet to be infused with the holiday spirit. I think I've finished my shopping. Sent out my cards. Going to a party tonight. But man my head is numb. My face hurts from the crying and the dryness of my heater. And I miss my friends and most importantly, my sanity. THAT'S what I want for Christmas. Sanity. and maybe an Iphone.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hours and Hours of Music Therapy
On a bright note, after yet another gut wrenching argument with the bf, I slunk over to my brother's so that we could catch the KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas concert at the Gibson Amphitheater at Universal Studios. This is a concert I've been trying on and off for 15 years to get tickets. I've stood in line for hours outside Tower records, called in repeatedly, and jumped on the Ticketmaster website the minute tickets were released for sale. I've never come close.
My brother, however, is blessed by magical concert fairies and managed to get tickets the second year in a row.
We got rained on when we left, but the hours and hours of music, along with some quality time with my brother really salvaged the night and pretty much this week. I had to admit, the first hour during the bands Vampire Weekend and Snow Patrol, I had to rein in some rogue tears every so often when my mind wandered over to sadder matters. But by the time we stepped out for some grub during the not so great Scott Weiland set (he of Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver fame), and returned to a lively Franz Ferdinand set, my brain was succumbing to the infectious ambiance and tunes.
While riding the wave of happy music, all of a sudden the surprise guest showed up. My brother looked up and said, "that sounds like Kanye...OMG it's Kanye West!" The guy was so cool, it didn't even matter that he was playing to a alternative rock crowd. He's probably so confident, he's thinking "hell yeah, hiphop, rap, alternative rock... whatever. Put me in front of a bunch of senior citizen Neil Diamond fans, and watch me work that crowd! I transcend demographics."
Paramour and Death Cab for Cutie were just as enjoyable, but the main act - the one my brother really came for was The Killers. I loved this band the first time I ever heard them on stage at the KROQ Weenie Roast concert more than 7 years ago. Now, they're one of the biggest acts and all their tunes are super catchy. I mean come on, are we human or are we dancer?
My favorite Killers song of all time - to listen to, sing aloud, and play guitar hero/rock band for is When You Were Young. Not only do I personally interpret the song's lyrics to describe one of my own follies - having idealistic sweep-me-off-my-feet notions and then falling flat on my face - the music video is so nicely done that it manages to tell a real emotional story in about five minutes time.
Finally, the band I stayed all the way till the end for, a band I never thought I'd ever hear live singing songs I used to listen to on cassettes - The Cure - opened with Pictures of You and I nearly died and went to heaven. I think that song came out when I was 10. But mainly I got into The Cure during the high school and college angst years, thanks to UBBF and other more musically savvy high school friends. I looked around and figured a good amount of the crowd wasn't even born when the Disintegration album came out and then I felt old. (On a side note, I also felt bitter, jaded, and old when I saw the young couple in front of me smooch, hug and make out all through the concert and I could keep thinking was "oh puhleeze, go get a room!"
Luckily my brother understood my need to see this band and stayed till I was ready to go. He may not have understood why The Cure sounded good to me or anyone else, but he understood that it was something I needed to do. For now, my concert going is complete. I have seen almost everyone I've ever wanted to see. And for now, I'm on a music high which will hopefully carry me through the night until I deal with reality tomorrow.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Things I've Found to Be True
- Things can only get better once you hit rock bottom
- There is no such thing as loyalty from companies to their employees
- A bad job situation can destroy your self worth if you let it
- Relationships are f***ing hard work
- Boyfriends may come and go, but your friends will always be there for you
- No one can fix you except yourself
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What Happened to Normal and Happily Ever After?
Is it normal to cry so uncontrollably that you can't quite make it to work in the morning or explain to your bf why you are so worked up? Is it normal to get so depressed and flattened by your boss and your job that you start tying in your self worth as a person to your performance at work? Or is it normal to sometimes have so little faith in people or yourself that you just constantly expect the worse?
I'm so tired. And recovering from yet another cold, which doesn't help the mental anguish. I'm hoping this is rock bottom for now and that all that therapy will help. I'm hoping I won't need drugs to stop the crying. And I'm hoping a car runs over my boss tomorrow. Kidding. Kind of.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Babies and Bunnies
We’re just at that age now, but every time I suddenly hear “I have news!” or something along those lines, another friend has up and gotten themselves preggers. The latest victim, er blessed friend is someone I’ve known since we were twelve. TWELVE! That’s nearly prepubescent times!
I have a harder time containing the shock and strangeness when it’s friends from high school and pre-high school having kids. Maybe because we knew each other when we were kids ourselves. But I guess it’s bound to happen and I have yet to resort to rocking in a corner to comfort myself.
The other day, while at the auto mechanic with the bf, the particularly chatty owner decided to tell us his life story as an immigrant and ended up extolling the virtues of
That darned clichéd clock is probably ticking but I am in no way ready any time soon. If I’m lucky, I’ll be ready before my body closes up shop on that idea. For now, I’m leaning much more toward giant bunnies than a kid. I mean, how can you not love this?
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Song to Fit the Mood
It's like Madonna's "You'll See" sequel to her other song "Take A Bow." I love narratives in song.
Anyway, this song has been on repeat at work and though the melody feels upbeat, and the message is pretty strong and positive, the song actually makes me quite sad. Probably because I'm hoping that life won't imitate art.
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Woman Needs A Man... Like A Fish Needs a Bicycle...
It only took me two years to hit this
, but yesterday, ride I did. After the bf patiently taught (forced) me to unhook the front tire and load the bike into my car, he watched me ride over and over in circles at the Santa Monica DMV. While moms were warily practicing with their kids, and husbands were teaching their wives to drive, I donned a crash helmet and staked my claim of the empty parking lot, as he nervously yelled for me to stay away from the cars and stop veering too far away from our little section.Throughout most of my life, this is how I felt about bicycles:

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Right On Schedule
On our first session, she explained to me that many of the coping mechanisms we learn as a child are ones that we use as an adult through our twenties. And somehow, by the time we reach our thirties, those coping strategies start to fall apart and not work so well anymore.
"In that respect," she told me, "you're right on schedule!"
And I thought, "Thank God, for once I'm on schedule with the rest of the people my age and not a late bloomer when it comes to the whole falling-apart-in-your-early-thirties stage!" Lucky me.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spontaneous Combustion
Of all the things to inspire me to write again, it was the spontaneous combustion of my Ipod Nano that prompted me to think "Now that is something worth sharing about!"

It was a Friday evening around 6pm about a week and a half ago. Charging the ipod at my work computer per usual, I heard a snap, a pop, a sizzle... kinda like Rice Crispies in milk. Except not as tasty. Nor fragrant. Then a large poof of smoke went up and that geyser of smelliness flew right toward me. Half the studio ran over to see what was going on.
Boy was I popular with the IT department that evening.
"Can we sue Apple?!" they gleefully asked.
"Can we blog about it on Digg?" another one asked.
I brought it over to the Apple store last week in a box. I showed them the button that flew off the middle of the ipod when the smoke came pouring out from it, as well as the charred cord. They were equally incredulous. And some of the younger Apple guys came over to gawk.
"Dude, were you listening to some death metal music or something?" they joked.
"No," I should have said. "Actually Yanni."
At first, I got the whole, "um well, it's technically not under warranty."
Are you kidding me?
"You can participate in the Ipod recycling program and donate this Ipod for recycling to get 10% off a new one!" one of the sprightly sales reps informed me.
I looked at her blankly. I don't want to buy a new ipod. I just want to replace this one. It blew up. Not like I dropped it or put it near fire. What if I had left it at home charging and it lit my whole place on fire? All my personal items... en fuego! Apple items are magical but I assume spontaneous combustion is not on the list of things that they should triumph over PC's.
Luckily one of members of the "Genius Bar" came over and assessed the situation.
"Yeah that's a safety issue. Let's replace this one for her. Stat!"
Well she didn't exactly say "stat!" but it seemed appropriate. Two days later, they got me a brand spanking new 1st generation Ipod Nano. I didn't even know they make them anymore.
I wonder if I should have made a bigger stink and got a new Ipod Nano. I wonder if this one will meet its fiery end in another three years. Only time will tell. I would however, still like an Iphone.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Songs to Fit the Mood
Sleeper's "What Do I Do Now?"
During the prime of britpop in the 90's, I listened to this in college all the time and every time the
story in this song
just broke my heart. A fun catchy beat, but underneath it, a sad song about how self doubt and miscommunication can destroy a relationship and lead to regrets. It was also one of the anthem songs for my childhood best friend, dealing with the fallout from her college boyfriend whom I never met but feel like I know so well...Then there's
Sarah McLachlan's "Do What You Have To Do"
which captures the end of a relationship, when you're trying to desperately salvage what you can. I loved this album, but never noticed this particular track until Vaj pointed it out to me as one of his favorites.Wavy threw this one my way the other day and it made me all melancholy. I saw Teitur open for John Mayer years ago and sent his music around to everyone. This one is about the trials and tribulations of a long distance relationship.
Teitur "I Was Just Thinking"
"Wavy," I asked, "do they have a song about two people who really love each other but seem to keep hurting each other and not sure how to make it work?""Yes, they have those too," she wisely answered. And now this lovely pop hit is on repeat on my itunes.
Leona Lewis "Bleeding Love"
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Just A Girl
demented fairy godmother
, I just realized your hand in all of this. I remembered that not so long ago, I used to wish that I were less of the tomboyish sort, less the rational buddy and longed for a boy tough enough to make me feel more like a girl. And, well, of course I got it.Now, I break into tears if say rose petals start falling to the ground or something equally ridiculous... and I am completely irrational when it comes to the bf. And that bf? Not one bit of
in him. He's totally a guy's guy. Rough around the edges. Blunt as all hell with no self-censoring mechanism in his head. Tries so hard to pay for everything and take care of me even if he doesn't quite know how. And does all those stupid insensitive things like forgetting to call back, not waiting for me to eat together or watch a film, or forgetting to follow up on plans he suggested.At the end of the day, it's not all bad. For better or worse, the bf makes me feel like such a girly girl whether he tells me I'm beautiful or when he's making me cry because he did something completely inconsiderate. Many of my guy friends have drifted apart from me now that they have their own wives and girlfriends and that feeling of being "just one of the guys" doesn't happen quite as often anymore. At work, I'm almost positive that everyone sees me as an actual girl and not the tomboy buddy I once was.
As I read through some
old entries
and texts from the beginning of the relationship, I complained to Wavy about how the bf obviously doesn't try as hard anymore or drop everything including time from work just to see me. "Can you believe you used to call him
Captain Attentive
?" I asked."That, my dear, is a universal problem," replied Wavy. And just like that, I'm now just another girl complaining about a boy and wondering "when did I become like this?"
Friday, May 02, 2008
There Are No Losers
BF: "Oh I taught your sister how to play hacky sack today up in Seattle."
Brother: "Cool. How do you play?"
BF: "You just kick this little bean bag ball up in the air and pass it around in the circle."
Brother: " How do you win?"
BF: "Uh, you don't really win. The goal is just to have everyone in the circle be able to touch it at least once without letting it hit the ground."
Brother: "I don't get it. There's no winning? There's no winner?"
Me: (Laughing) "Not every game has to be a competition!"
Brother: "Then how do you decide who loses? I can't comprehend this."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Oh Boy Part 2
first post
with another one immediately the day after. And then things kept going up and down like a roller coaster or the
Hollywood Tower of Terror Ride at California Adventure
. I never knew when to write - when things were going really well or when things sucked. Which changes week by week, day by day. Go figure.It's been nearly six months and frequently, I'm still stunned. Milestones are knocking me on the head left and right.
1) Told the parents
A couple of weeks ago, he came with me for my dentist appointment. The dentist and the dental hygienist have known me since I was ten and I realized my mom would murder me if she heard from our dentist about the bf before she heard about it from me. So after delaying the inevitable, I casually mentioned him over dinner and the parents took it well without asking more then a dozen questions and a request for a picture.
Flobelly, a fellow Cantonese chick married to a sweet white boy from Ohio (or is it Iowa? I swear I always get those mixed up) put it into perspective for me before I spilled the beans. She merely said "it only gets harder. That will be the easiest part. Wait till the parents meet him and then both parents meet. Awkward...." Eek.
2) Met his family and friends
The trip up north to Seattle was an eye opening experience in many ways. But the most important thing is that I met nearly all of his friends, including his best friend and his mom. So daunting considering that between them both, they've met everyone he's ever brought around. Including the ex-wife and apparently some girl who announced she was Wiccan. Huh.
3) Slowly but surely, we're being outed to the work peeps
Work is hard enough as it is, but having a relationship with someone you work with adds a new dimension of complexity. At first I was really stressed about the fact that technically he reports to me in a way, and that legally that was a big no-no. However, then I realized our company is pretty informal, that's there's like five couples already and the only person who would try to use this against me is the Tool. And even then I pride myself on being completely professional throughout the years, no matter who my work friends were or what stupid guy was treating me poorly. The Tool has got nothing on me.
Plus when the bf let slip to his seatmate that we went up to Seattle together, then mistakenly IMed his seatmate instead of me to give me the heads up, he had to go, "well, now you know." And our coworker merely responded, "yeah, it was no secret." It's almost liberating.
So, the families know. The friends know. The work folks know. Hell, my dentist and the dental hygienist knows. They even gave him a toothbrush. And this sounds kinda bad, but all I can think of is man, if this doesn't work out it is gonna be hell to disentangle and shake off.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Still Restless
.So out of this previous
, I've managed to hit up #7 San Diego so far.This Friday, I'm back at #3 Seattle (more on that later), mid-May I'm off to #2 New York and #1 San Francisco by end of next month. Almost veered off to Portland or Austin instead of NY because of scheduling conflicts with friends, but in the end I can't stay away from New York and all its glorious shopping and food.
As for fleeing the country, #6 Toronto is still a possibility this summer and Bizarro Twin mentioned Croatia possibly next year. I still have no idea what's going on with Japan.
Darn work gets in the way of fun and travel. But I guess I need to earn enough funding to actually go places.
Monday, April 21, 2008
A Few Flicks
- I love gambling movies. Especially ones based on a true story. Even if the true story actually involved more Asians, less violence, and less romance. It was still fun and got me in the mood to go clubbing, which I did, this past Saturday.
- I actually hate football, but this was a fun throwback to those old fashioned screwball comedies with lots of witty banter. And it was kinda cool to see how football started. Renee Zellweger is getting weirder looking, George Clooney is looking old but still dashing, and John Krasinski is cute but not as cute as when he's in The Office.
The Waterhorse
- So cute. Scottish accents, baby lochness monster, and overall a sweet story. I'd watch it again. And I'm sure kids will love it too.
Lust Caution
- Total 180 from the previous flick. Beautiful film, beautiful actress, amazing scenery. But wow. You go, repressed Chinese people! When Jigaho said she had seen soft core porn more toned down than this, I was impressed. And I think that describes it perfectly. But love scenes aside, it was an intriguing film, all 2 1/2 hours of it. I even watched the "Making of" documentary afterwards.
Gone Baby Gone
- It started off a little slow and quite talky. Actually the bf got bored and I had to finish it alone. But, man it was worth it. It was a great film and I am impressed with the brothers Affleck. So many twists and turns and at the end of the movie, it leaves you thinking about what you would have done. Moral quandaries are always fun.
Lars and the Real Girl
- Cute quirky film. Ryan Gosling is such a great actor. And after the initial "ew that's gross, people actually buy those?!" they made the real doll almost like a real person that you felt for. Weird. And a little sad. But overall a sweet story about how much a community will pull together for one of its own. Almost makes you want to live in a small town.I'm excited that the movie blockbuster season is almost upon us, especially
Indiana Jones
! Until then, more catching up on rentals and watching whatever I can get my hands on.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
I was watching the movie The Last of the Mohicans this afternoon, a movie I've watched many times back in the previous decade because the music alone hooks me in. And oh my god, the chemistry between Daniel Day Lewis and Madeline Stowe is phenomenal - I was once read a review that said the passion between their eyeballs alone could carry the scene where they just stare at each other before running into each other's arms. But now I digress.
Anyway, it's a movie I've seen many times before without shedding a single tear. Because hey, it's a happy ending right? The two main characters end up with each other and all is good in the world of love. But today, as with everything I watch these days except maybe horror films, I was bawling. Why did that guy have to die for someone who didn't love him back? Why did the other guy have to die so foolishly without waiting for his backup? And jeez, why did that girl throw herself off the cliff after this guy she barely knew? Everything was just so unfair and sad!
I can't quite pinpoint what's wrong, but it's a good week when I can go the whole week without shedding tears. Often, the quivery feeling lasts for days, when anything can set off the deluge. I feel slightly mental.
Work and the bf take turns making me cry and that is not good. I either need to toughen up or take some drugs.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Old Friend
And with that, here's a picture of the latest resident on my couch, won by the bf at Legoland because he loves carnival games oh so much, regardless of what the prize is.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
but I think in order of accuracy, I would have to go with #4, #7, and then #2. On a side note, I also like the term "asstard" as used in #2.The man is out "sick" one day every other week. At least once a week, he'll come over and ask about something I took care of ages ago and already emailed him about.
"Oh I don't read all my emails," he boldly declares.
"Let's have a QUICK meeting," he always suggests. And more than an hour later, after he continues to talk about the same thing long past my attention span has ceased to function because of the HUNGER PANGS that are attacking me, we are still trapped in the room.
I always start looking for an escape clause.. perhaps another meeting, or a supervisor that needs me to help out on a project, or a very important phone call I have to return. Akin to trying to gnaw off my own leg to escape the bear trap. I even employ other artist friends to peep in the window occasionally to gesture at me, as if something huge needed my attention outside of that now claustrophobic room, especially when it's lunch time.
"Don't ever leave me!" I tell them. "Make up an excuse, come drag me out of there so I can at least go have lunch."
And don't even get me started on how much he piles on extra work on everyone because he thinks everything takes half the time. Then comes in and gives motivational speeches to his burnt out team as we stare at him glassy-eyed and disbelieving.
"Is this guy for real?" we think. And unfortunately, yes he is.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
A Concert For Angry Youths and Formerly Bitter Whatchamacalits

I've been on an indie music/tiny venue kick for a long while now. So when it was time to go to
Linkin Park
tonight, I was equally excited and wary. The last time I saw a big act at a big venue, it was
The Police at Dodgers stadium
last summer. To sum up that experience, it was great music, insane crowds, 2 hour wait to drive in, and me running the rest of the way from the hill to the venue to use the bathroom. Fun times.With Linkin Park, though I did end up running to the bathroom multiple times from the gallon of water I drank, getting in and out of the venue was great, and the music equally loud and wonderful. It brought me back to the days of screaming/singing along in the car when I was angry or hurting, trying to channel the angst in Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda's voices.
I ended up dragging my brother along, still fresh from work in his business casual get up and thoroughly out of place at the concert. Our seats were as close to the floor as possible without actually having to stand with the masses (whew! getting old. I like to sit at my concerts!) I sang along, though did not jump up and down with my fists pumped like the guy next to me. Of course some old geezers near us smoked pot and strangely enough I saw people with young children (like 3 year olds!) wandering around the floor. Talk about a diverse crowd of fans.
The six members of the band obviously have a good thing going and create solid music, though it did leave me wondering how decisions are made within the group. A true democracy? Or are some members more important than others? My brother ranked them in order of importance just for fun but I don't think that would ever work for a band to be successful. Anyway, my dreams to be a drummer for a rock band when I grow up continue to live on!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
My Vacuum Cleaner Ate My Sofa
Luckily, no one was hurt, nothing burst into flames and only poor Oscar the Couch suffered some cosmetic damages when I dragged the vacuum up on the seat. I was using the attachments to vacuum up as much cat hair as possible along the top of the couch and windowsill. (So that my poor allergic college roomie visiting from out of town wouldn't asphyxiate) Unfortunately the hose wasn't long enough so I had to pull the entire vacuum up. I didn't think the bottom part still had suction since I was using the attachment, but boy was I wrong!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Oh Boy - Part One
I was rereading some entries from the latter half of last year, particularly in the summer, and unfortunately, my first thought was to start this entry with "Stupid ass boy, I was so darn happy and angst-less for a good long stretch till he came along."
Oops. That's no good. But this week has been particularly hard. And though 1) this is a serious relationship, 2) it's the first serious relationship I've been in, and 3) it's already the longest I've ever dated anybody, I'm still wondering, how did I get here? How are we ever going to resolve our vast differences considering we are POLAR OPPOSITES on about everything I can possibly think of? We're already averaging what Wavy calls our "state of the union" talks about every other week if not more. And though every single one of my dear girl friends assure me this is normal early relationship stuff and constantly tell me things sound fine, they don't FEEL fine. I am tired. I don't want to continously readjust my expectations lower and lower until I just don't have them anymore or don't care. Nor do I want to be that bitchy demanding girlfriend because I know that doesn't work either.
I was looking at
this entry
about him and asked myself those questions again.If I stopped this thing right now, would I be an a-hole? Yes.
If he were to suddenly go away, would I still be ok? No, yes, maybe. I don't know!!!!! Probably not but I'll survive anyway, goddammit!!!!!
Yeah, the tide seemed to have turned at the start of the new year. Suddenly, I was waist deep in this thing and it was capable of causing me to spontaneously burst into tears at times of stress and yuckiness. And naturally, that lovely courting phase where he was super attentive and promised to go to whatever I asked him to came to a standstill. I think perhaps, the
icky middle
has arrived!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
So when I got a flat tire Sunday night and was forced to drive on the spare at 50mph ON THE FREEWAY for a good forty miles, it was truly some kind of driving karma slapping me upside the head. As I tried my hardest to stay at 50 in the slow lane, sometimes creeping up to 55 and having visions of my tire exploding off the car, I was high beamed, honked at, passed about a hundred times, and given countless dirty looks. It was excruciating.
I wish I could say that it taught me to be more patient and understanding with slow drivers. But that sentiment may have only lasted for a day. Just get out of my way people!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My hippo-loving Africa traveling buddy, sent me
. Though it wasn't on my
list of places to go
and I swore that the next trip would be something more luxurious with no roughing it or strenuous activities involved, I am quite tempted.So I got South Africa off my list, which was #1. Now where to this year...
1) Costa Rica - purely because I have a friend to go with and it's somewhere new
2) Japan - because I may get to attend a wedding as someone's date
3) Croatia and Greece - If Bizarro Twin can coordinate the right times with me...
4) Spain and Portugal - Can always go there alone if all else fails
5) China - it's cheap and if someone goes with me, why not?
6) Toronto, Canada - possibly family reunion and cousin's wedding reception. wheeeee!
As for travel within the US, I definitely will hit up:
1) San Francisco - because I skipped it all of 2007 and I need to go there at least once a year
2) New York - same reason as above
3) Seattle - because there's more to see and now I have people to stay with
4) Portland - because I've never been and there's people to stay with
5) Austin - same reason as #4
6) Vancouver - technically not in US, but only 2 hour drive from Seattle. Plus I can stay with cousins
7) San Diego - doesn't require flying, cousin lives there, and I have a wedding to attend
Anyway, at this point I would gladly even hit up Tijuana just to get away. We'll see how fast I can bolt!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
On Hate and Other Horrid Things
I am angry. And I have told my tool of a boss just how angry I am at him and at the situation he's put me in. He apologized repeatedly and threw in a couple of "I understands" and some "I'm so swamped too." Which does nothing for me because it's not a solution.
What pisses me off even more is that it's the work of two people and my head is barely above water.
He did this to me last year
, I pulled it off, asked for a big raise, and they shafted me.So I'm bellyaching to anyone who will listen to me until I get more help and the work load is more balanced. Supervisors, owners of the company, other artists... no one can dare complain to me if I fall behind. Or occasionally growl at people.
As a cherry on top, some of the clients on my biggest project, the one dealing with the yellow-colored cartoon family, are just A**HOLES. No way to mince words. One in particular, who I shall heretofore call the DICK is so abrasive, so aggressively rude, so much a waste of oxygen, that my blood boils after every interaction with him.
It's been a while since I've hated anyone so much, thought such horrible things during meetings (stabbing him repeatedly, baseball bat to the nuts...) cried at home partly from work dealings. Luckily, everyone else hates him too AND I have wonderful people around me who listen to my rants everyday. Until then, I'm counting down the days till this particular project ends, till every single one of these projects end and I can dream of my next vacation.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Oh Blog, How I've Missed You...
So there we have it.
Not enough time in the day, nor energy to do everything I want to do. I'm already restless and itching to travel to my next destination...
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Year End Travel
For some reason, of all the pictures I took in Seattle, this is one of my favorites. Probably because it looks so ominous and so unlike the fabulous weather and mood of the whole weekend up there. But on this particular night, we were also denied entrance to the Space Needle on account of some private holiday party. Pooh. I took this picture as we walked away from it and slunk back towards the hotel. Well we made it up there the next day anyway...
In Vegas over the holidays, I managed to drag my friends out looking for old neon signs. Here are the letters 'A' and 'R' from the old Sahara hotel, now residing at the Old Mormon Fort visitor center (yeah it sounds weird... but apparently it's where the city of Las Vegas started) until the brand new Neon Sign Museum is built later this year. Can't wait to go back and see the rest of these fabulous signs! Yeah, I'm a geek...